Tag Archives: hissy fit

TMLFYI… | Fitful

I feel like we have to share this video with the world because everyone thinks you’re always happy. They don’t realize that you are capable of getting angry. For about 5-10 minutes every day. When we feed you solids, but don’t move at the speed of light in doing so.

It’s adorable now. It’s especially adorable because you do it for everything. Oatmeal? Sure. Carrots? Yup. Peas? Mmmhmmm. Squash? You betcha.

What’s going to happen when we get you stuff that actually tastes good?

But your Mom is also concerned with sharing this video, at least a little, because your reaction makes it seem like we never feed you. Ever. Like this meal was the first time you’ve eaten in 7.5 months. So before I share the video I have to make a Public Service Announcement and let the world know that you are, actually, quite well fed. (Your legs serve as evidence.)

So today my love for you is fitful. Just like your love for food. Amen.


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